Bee Royal jelly is a creamy white substance with a high nutrient content.
In the hive it’s used to feed the queen bee as well as larvae. There are claims that it also offers an array of health benefits to humans.
Bee Royal jelly is highly nutritious and contains antibacterial, antioxidant, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, people are looking to include royal jelly in their diet as well as applying it topically onto their skin.
Research is suggesting that certain nutrients in royal jelly are beneficial to human health.
Let’s explore what royal jelly is comprised of:
Water 50% to 60%
Proteins 18%
Carbohydrates 15%
Lipids 2% to 3%
Mineral salts 1.5%
These small amounts of vitamins and minerals in royal jelly include several types of vitamin B. It also contains some polyphenols which are a type of plant-based chemical that is rich in antioxidants.
A study conducted in 2011 looked at the effects of a combination of four natural ingredients, including royal jelly on menstrual symptoms. The researchers gave 120 women either a capsule containing the four ingredients or a placebo twice a day for 4 weeks. The women in both groups noted a reduction in symptoms, and those who took the capsule had significantly better results than those in the placebo group.
A more recent study revealed that taking 150 milligrams of royal jelly daily over 3 months could lower cholesterol levels.
In another study conducted with 110 participants royal jelly as well placebo capsules were administered once a day over two menstrual cycles. It revealed that those who took royal jelly capsules had a profound improvement in their premenstrual symptoms over the two months.
In a recent laboratory study published in the journal “Nutrition Research and Practice” it showed that royal jelly might have significantly increased the movement of fibroblasts to a wound. Fibroblasts are a type of cell that co ordinates the process of wound healing.
In another study following 50 females with type 2 diabetes, it revealed that by taking 1-gram dose of royal jelly over a period of 8 weeks that royal jelly led to the reduction of blood glucose levels. Lowering glucose levels is beneficial for people living with type 2 diabetes.
However, the researchers noted that more studies with larger numbers were necessary for this study to be conclusive.
It is essential to consult your doctor if any of the following symptoms occur after taking royal jelly……. Hives, excessive itching, wheezing, or other breathing problems, digestive issues, such as abdominal pain or diarrhea, dizziness or confusion, nausea, vomiting.