Royal Jelly is a creamy yellowish white acidic substance with a high nutrient content that is secreted by the nurse bees to feed young worker larvae and queen bees. It’s essential for lava development and in the instant of the queen bee it assists in creating her large body as well as giving her a longer life span.
Royal jelly is comprised of 50% to 60% water, 18% proteins, 15% carbohydrates, 3% to 6% lipids, and 1.5% mineral salts.
There are also a small number of vitamins and minerals, including several types of vitamin B. It also contains some polyphenols, which are the type of plant-based chemicals that are rich in antioxidants.
When you consider that this magical elixir can transform ordinary honey bees into queens it has to have something going for it for humans.
New discovery promises to have an impact far beyond the niche field of melittoloy. Armed with the findings, scientists are now exploring potential new treatments for wounds and disorders such as muscle wastage and neurodegenerative diseases.
Research at Stanford University found that the main active component in royal jelly is a protein called royalactin which activates a network of genes that bolsters the ability of stem cells to renew themselves. It means that, with royalactin, an organism can produce more stem cells to build and repair itself with.
“We have an identifiable avenue through which royal jelly’s effects are carried out”, said Kevin Wang who led the Stanford team “It has this activity of keeping cells in a self renewing state” Royal jelly has intrigued scientists since its dramatic impact on honeybee development first became clear. But its effects on other animals have sparked ever more interest.